Can you speak ? Yes can you tell the difference between a low notet a a high note? Good News you can learn to sing in just few minutes . Joanne Ruthowski, professo of music education says "Everyone who can speak can learn to use a singing voice.But the quality of voice is dependant on many factors, barring a physical vocal disability, every can learn to sing well enough to sing basic songs.
When we were small child , we barely can speak and now we can talk fluidely , without any problem , without thinking about it Yes or Not? Yes. How we can just talk and talk without thinking without making an effort the answer is we saw it and we practice it , we make concious effort to learn to speak . That is the first step
Make concious effort
You dont know how to make concious effort? I will try to teach you just in few minutes .
By making concious effort i mean you give something to your mind and then it just start working on it . Lets revise what we learn about our mind because it is important Brain, all humans have brain it is tool unlike all other body parts of human, we can teach it to learn the way we want , we can create habits, break habits we also can teach it when to speak high tone and when to low. We can teach our mind many things but the thing i want you to know is that if you put some effort in your learning how to sing consciously like when we want to go to trip, we first ask our self question OK where i wanted to go? what place i want to see? and most importantly why i want to go there? then you decide OK i will go to for example Pakistan, when i reach there i will and i will travel Naran Kaghan, then i will go to Swat and from there to Shinkiyari etc . The thing is that you should know where you're going before going there , what if that i just know i want to go to Pakistan ,sure you can but its a very large country you need more time like a year or so ,yes surely you will travel all but it will take so much time . Just like that i want you to be more specific about your singing skill, what skill you want to learn cause you all know there are many like Falsetto, vibrato, belt singing and there are many other voices types. So first know what you want to sing, how your singing voice would be like where you want to reach, your main goal, and then create sub goals like first I will focus on the higher notes, then I will learn more about breathing and then etc...
So the things you need to know before we can go further
a. what exactly you want to sing
b. create a goal and sub goals
c. Be specific about your singing
so i think you already have a ideal of your liking, if not find someone you can admire make things easier for yourself
Have a Singing star in your mind
we all know someone we admire someone who we wanted to be like, someone who just sing better than us and we wanted to be like them . Having a ideal person is so good (ideal is someone who has reached a state that one can admire) by having a ideal person in your mind you give your mind a work to do, the work is to be like them it is like setting a destination in google map and whenever you go the wrong direction it tell you, how having a ideal make things easier..
a. you know where you heading toward
b. you don't have to put so much effort to your mind
c. you become referable
d. its become simpler
1. Anybody with a voice can be taught how to sing.
2. Just like our muscles we can grow our voice to higher potential.
3. With practice and time you can break old habits.
4. Creating goal and sub goal help you so much
5. Having ideal , its become simpler
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