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How To Find Online Singing lessons
For those who don’t have access to any nearby singing teachers or simply cannot afford the charges, a good compromise could be to use online singing lessons.
Deciding which online singing lessons to take isn’t any more difficult than choosing which teacher to use. The first thing you should do is figure out what you want to accomplish. What is the type of music you plan on singing? Will you be using a mic? Do you plan on singing in public, and if so where?
You have plenty of choice when it comes to singing lessons online. Who you choose to go with will depend greatly on what it is you plan to accomplish. You can choose a lesson that involves teachings in musical history and theory, as well as practical lessons. While there are those that will focus instead on the performing side to singing, such as how to emote songs and how to perform on stage, along with actual singing lessons.
You should know if you plan on using microphones or not before choosing which online singing lessons to go with. There will be courses that will encompass lessons on how to use a mic and those that focus on how to sing without one. Using a mic isn’t as difficult to get used to as singing without one is. You can adjust quickly, where as if you are only used to singing with one it can be difficult to project your voice without one. It can be a disaster for somebody who doesn’t know how to perform without a mic and something goes wrong with their equipment.
You will find that your average good quality online course will set you back as much as 12 actual singing lessons would. You will get instructional videos or mp3’s and guided lessons, along with literature that will teach you practice exercises and the science behind them. You may even be able to email with a singing instructor. At the moment there are two online singing courses that are really very good, these are ‘Singorama’ by Emily Mander and ‘Singing Is Easy’ by Yvonne Debandi.
With these lessons you will learn how to breath properly, how to stand and about tone placement, you will learn basics on how the human voice operates and what this means for your singing. They also teach you some great warm ups.
It can be tempting to jump right into the later lessons and ignore what seems a bit of a drag such as the breathing lessons. However this is ill advised, without understanding the basics you will hinder your progress and waste money. Even professional athletes have to know the basics of their sports before they can hope to compete.
When you take singing lessons online it is all down to you. You need not feel worried about meeting deadlines or impressing a teacher. For those of us who can get on with things alone this isn’t a bad thing. Although it can be tough if you find something difficult or don’t quite understand parts of the literature.
With singing lessons online this is the main disadvantage, you have no support. Whereas when you see a real singing teacher you can get tailor made advice and they can help you with any issues you may have. Sadly this isn’t the case with online singing lessons.
There is also the drawback to how much feedback you can get, nobody can watch and listen to you and give you advice. Nobody hears their voice as the rest of the world does, we have our skulls in the way!
The best way to listen to yourself sing is to record yourself. This is a great tactic because you can compare your recording to those provided by the online singing lessons. Although it can be tough judging yourself fairly.
For people that can be truthful about their failings and accepting of their successes then online singing lessons are a good idea, you will find the lessons helpful as long as you can fairly gauge your progress.
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