Chapter 1 - The Basics
guitar lesson 1
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The diagram below shows the names of the NOTES, on the guitar fretboard. These notes are permanent and you must memorize them over the entire fretboard. Remember, the notes repeat, every twelfth fret.
This is the guitar fretboard showing all the notes including sharps.
The "#" (sharp) symbol means to raise a note a half step (one fret). There is only a half step separating the E and F notes and a half step separating the B and C notes. There is really no such note as an E# or a B# note. All the other notes have a whole step (two frets) of separation.
The notes in between the whole steps have the name of either a sharp(#) or a flat(b). The diagram above shows these notes as sharp(#). The diagram below shows the in between notes as flats(b).
This is the guitar fretboard showing all the notes including flats.
The "b" (flat) symbol means to lower a note a half step. There is only a half step separating the E and F notes and a half step separating the B and C notes. There is really no such note as an Fb a Cb note. All the other notes have a whole step (two frets) of separation.
An F# note is the same as a Gb note. The G# is the same as the Ab. The A# is the same as the Bb. The C# is the same as the Db and the D# is the same as the Eb.
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