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Saturday, August 10, 2019

How to Sing with more emotion and confidence (6 Techniques)

How to Sing with more emotion and confidence 

so you want to know how to sing with more emotion and confidence you are at the right place here you will know Singing with more emotion and confidence (6 Techniques) so lets get started
Here are my six techniques which you can use to sing with more confidence and emotions , so you can feel the power of your voice which you re capable of here's the list of my 6 techniques which i will describe in detail below one by one . Let start :

1. Finding your style
2. Placing Emphasis on Different Words
3. Matrixing pitch
4. Develop a bad ass attitude
5. Practice a little bit every day
6. Develop your own voices

1. Finding your style

Every singer has their own unique way of expressing, their own way of interpreting a song. The key is to not get in your own way. A lot of people run into difficulty here because they are afraid to step out on their own. It is easier to “copy” someone else’s phrasing and expression. It seems like the “safer” route. However, stepping out on your own and doing it your way is what gives singers recognition and their own style.
Go in the direction your voice wants to go. Don’t force notes that are unnatural.
Start with finding the right key (a half step makes ALL the difference.)  If the song has lots of riffs, take some out. If the song has no riffs, try adding some. If the song is fast, try slowing it down to make it more acoustic and ballad-like. How does your voice want to sing the song? Experiment. Record, and listen back. There are many types of styles Belting,Falsetto,Riffing,Rock yells and country Yodeling i have describe in detail Here . Its not yet Posted 
Go in the direction your voice wants to go. Don’t force notes that are unnatural. Try one note like "every nights in my dreams i see you i feel you " From The Movie Titanic. This bring us to the next techniques of Singing with more emotion and confidence (6 Technique's) 
2. Placing Emphasis on Different Words
So on the second list of Singing with more emotion and confidence (6 Techniques) which is placing emphasis on different words don't know how let me explain it. Speak the lines below putting an emphasis on only one word in the phrase. Repeat the phrase again putting the emphasis on another word. How does it sound? Notice the different words being emphasized brings a different feeling to the line. Reflect on the saying "If i cannot fly ,let me sing".
Try the sequence below speaking slowly:
If i cannot fly ,let me sing
If i cannot fly ,let me sing
If i cannot fly ,let me sing
If i cannot fly ,let me sing
If i cannot fly ,let me sing
If i cannot fly ,let me sing
If i cannot fly ,let me sing
Repeat the step several times to discover different ways to phrase. Also try putting the breath in different parts of the phrase. How does it sound/feel? This process is particularly helpful when you have a chorus that has the same lyric line over and over. I wouldn’t do it in the order above – but use the exercise to find ways to keep repeated phrases from sounding monotonous.This way you will learn where and which phrase to focus , and where to breathe .
3. Matrixing Pitch
Matrix = means that within which, or within and from which, something originates, takes form, or develops. Matrix the melody by finding the corresponding notes on the keys of the piano. You don’t have to play the piano in order to do this. Spending the time to find the actual notes will show you the road map of your melody in a visual manner, further impressing it in your mind’s eye. This technique programs the notes of your melody into your neuron muscle memory and strengthens the singers’ ear and pitch.
Now take a sheet music if you can read it well and good if not make your own unique sheet music . Sing as you play the corresponding notes on the keys of the piano or sing the notes of the song. Notice the distance between the notes – how far apart or close they are. If they are up or down. If the note you struggle with is the same note you sing earlier in the song in another spot etc. Identifying where the notes are helps carve your road map. Go slowly and focus on hitting the bulls-eye of each note. Go over and over the notes that you consistently hit “off pitch”. Another trick is to connect that note to the note before. In other words learn to “link” the “off pitch” note to the note in front of it. Make an exercise out of the tough spots in your song.
4. Develop a badass attitude

Unlike drummers, bassists, and guitarists…When you as a singer…stand up on stage…and open your mouth…There’s literally nothing for you to hide behind.The audience will know exactly who you are, and how you are feeling at any given moment .Because they will see it in your eyes, on your face, and in your body language…and most importantly, they will feel it in your voice.So if you don’t honestly feel with certainty (at least while you’re on-stage) that you are the baddest motherfucker on the planet.It won’t matter how “technically perfect” your performance has been up to that point, because all they will remember is the smell your fear and self-doubt.And it will repel them.So the next question then becomes:How do you develop that confidence?Well, while there are many ways to trick yourself into being delusionally self-confident…As we all know delusional self-confidence is even worse than uncertainty.So the MUCH better option is to simply become objectively self-confident, by actually getting good at what you’re doing it will take time and practice .So for the remainder of this article, competence is what we will focus on.Just remember to keep in mind though, that without confidence as well, everything else is worthless.Got it? 

5. Practice a little bit every day

Unlike other musical instruments…Which can be practiced 12 hours a day or more if need be
You can really only sing for so long each day before your vocal cords have had enough.
For most people that happens anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours with 1 hour being about average.
And when you love singing that hour goes by quick, doesn’t it?
So if you really want to get good, the ONLY way to do it is to practice every single day, no matter what.
AND you must continue to do so for the next few years or so to have any chance of ever being the singer you dream of becoming.
AND you must do this, not only to GET good, but to STAY good as well.

Because even after you’ve mastered a song, if you don’t continue to sing it on a regular basis, your “muscle memory” will tend to forget things over time. 

6. Develop your own voices 

First i have told you this before in another article that you must create a play list of the songs of the singers you want to be like and ,to borrow from each of them a little with the ultimate goal of eventually finding your OWN style.Assuming you chose some truly legendary singers to learn from.What you’ll notice after studying their tendencies is.They’ll typically have a mix of about 5-6 different “voices” that they selectively use in different musical contexts most singers have only 1-3.
//Examples of such voices might include:

1.a screaming metal voice
2.a soft angelic voice
3.a smokey sexy voice
4.breathy “pillow-talk” voice
…and the list goes on and on.
Once you’ve identified the various voices used by each of your favorite singers…
The next step is experimenting with each of those voices to find out which ones you identify with most.
And with 5-6 voices from 5-6 singers…that’s around 30 different voices in total you have to play around with.
Over time, you will notice yourself favoring some of those voices over others, and gradually you will start to amass more and more go-to weapons in your “singing arsenal”.

Conclusion of Singing with more emotion and confidence ( 6 Techniques )

Find your own style
Try Emphasis trick
have a great attitude
Practice every day

So hope you learn something from this Singing with more emotion and confidence (6 Techniques) post. if you have any question let me know 

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